Easy. Anything. And I mean ANYTHING by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros makes me immensely happy. And in honor of the Railroad Revival Tour that I get to go to thanks to an amazing friend of mine who helped me with the financial bit of getting me a seat on a plane, I give you "Janglin."
My least favorite song. How to pick?? I could go with the recent internet sensation "Friday," but that's too easy and too much fun to parody. I could go with an annoying autotuned 3 minutes of crap by T-Pain. But no, not enough hate. The song that fills me with hatred and fury is Toby Keith's "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue." You know the one where he talks about lighting up country's sky like the 4th of July? The song of "my patriotism is better than yours because I'm talking about killing people in retaliation." If I ever meet Toby Keith, I will not hesitate to sucker punch him in the jaw and knee him in the balls for creating this piece of shit song. Fuck you Toby Keith.
I'm not even going to post the song because I don't want it to get more plays than it already has.
This might be incredibly lame, but as an effort to get me to post more frequently I'm going to try to do the 30 day song challenge that's been floating around some of my friends' facebook pages. I'll probably get annoyed with it halfway through, but whatever. Scouring my music collection for songs that fit the day's description will be a welcome break from the last round of finals I'll ever have. Thank god for graduation in 2 1/2 weeks! Anywho, lets get started.
Day 1: Favorite Song.
God dammit. Who knew I'd get annoyed with this on Day 1. Ha. "What's your favorite song?" always makes me mad because it's damn near impossible for me to pick my all time favorite song. But, after some thinking, I *think* "Visions of Johanna" by Bob Dylan is my favorite. It's either that or "Don't Think Twice (It's Alright)". But for now, I'm picking "Visions of Johanna". The amount that I love Dylan's Blonde on Blonde album is probably unhealthy, and "Visions" is my favorite track from it, so logically this would be my favorite, right? That's what I'm sticking to anyways.
I love music. You're probably here because you do too. The songs I post are for preview purposes only. If you like what you hear, go buy the song/album from the artist and go see them live. Support the people who make us happy. If you want a link removed, send me an email: candy4ears@gmail.com, and it will be taken down asap.