Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In West Philadelphia born and raised....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In the last couple of days I've gotten a bunch of new stuff. Most notably M.Ward's new album, Hold Time and Dan Auerbach's (from the Black Keys) album, Keep it Hid. I haven't had a chance to really go through them yet (I really like what I hear so far...) but wanted to post a couple other songs that I found...

Going back to the whole soul obsession + love of mash ups/remixes, how about this:
Smokey Robinson - Tears of a Clown (ActionJackson Remix)

And kind of doing a 180, I love the punk/pop/dance duo Matt & Kim. Kim on the drums and Matt on the keyboards....they're pretty great.
Matt & Kim - Daylight

And this is just too awesome not to share. I grew up watching Fresh Prince, and I still know all the words to the theme song. So how about an acoustic cover of it?
Kay Pettigrew - Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

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