Tuesday, July 7, 2009

happy discovery day

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So the Discovery LP officially dropped today. Hooray. It's all autotune wonderful. If you don't know who Discovery is, it's the glorious side project of Wes Miles of Ra Ra Riot and Rostam Batmanglij of Vampire Weekend. I know most of you probably have the majority of the album from the leaked songs BUT if you purchase it through Amie Street then $2 goes to Oxfam America, a relief and development organization. Good cause and some good music...
So Insane (zshare)

I've also been listening to Conor Oberst's most recent album, Outer South. It came out forever ago, but it took me a long time to really get into it. I think I still like his solo stuff better, but it's nice to hear Conor really kind of let loose with this album...I mean you definitely wouldn't have heard a song like "Air Mattress" on any of his other albums. I'm glad I didn't give up on this one.
Nikorette (zshare)

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