Holy cow. This is turning into the summer that could have been. Apparently Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band were in Detroit yesterday and I had NO IDEA they were performing less than an hour away from me. Son of a bitch. And he has a really really good opener touring with him, who is the focus of today's post (and how I found out that I just missed them here...sigh).A.A. Bondy is touring with Conor Oberst for a bit this summer. Bondy used to front the Alabama rock band, Verbena, but when they broke up in 2003 he started composing stripped down indie folk tunes. His first solo album, American Hearts, is fantastic, and the title track from his sophomore album, When the Devil's Loose, is pretty awesome as well. The new album is set to be released September 1st on Fat Possum Records. If you go to his page at Fat Possum, you can download a track from American Hearts. It's free and it's good, so do it.... Though I'm bummed that I missed out on this show, if you live in Bloomington, IN or Athens, GA there is still hope for you! They will be in Indiana on the 20th, and Georgia on the 21st. If you don't conveniently live in or near those places, you should still take a minute and check out A.A. Bondy's music. It won't be a waste of time.
When The Devil's Loose (boxstr)

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