I'm moving this coming weekend, so that means that every spare second of my day is spent shoving everything I own into boxes. I HATE packing. In college when I'd move out of the dorms, I would usually wait until the morning my dad would pick me up to start shoving things into oversize garbage bags. He wouldn't be pleased but I'd get the job done. But now that I'm theoretically older and wiser, I'm trying out this whole "non-procrastination" thing. So to get me through packing (to the dismay of my current neighbors) I've been blaring my music. Yesterday I accidentally went on a Yeah Yeah Yeahs bender. To be honest I had never really listened to them a lot. They were one of those bands I knew I should like but could never really get into. Until yesterday. I was a packing MACHINE yesterday. Thank you Karen O. I started with "Zero" off their their new album, It's Blitz!, because it's all 80's synth wonderful. Instead of shuffling to a different artist my computer played a couple more songs off that album, and I was hooked. My living room was done in an hour and a half. I got to pack up most of my bedroom while rocking out to their back catalog. And to top off the wonderful day, just as I was coming down (aka giving up for the day), the acoustic version of "Maps" came on. PERFECT.
They are playing in El Paso, Texas on Wednesday and if my friend who lives there doesn't go to the show, I'm punching her in the face next time I see her. Well not really, but I'll be super disappointed...
Maps (acoustic) (hl)
Black Tongue (hl)
Phenomena (hl)
Y Control (hl)
Dull Life (hl)

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